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Comments below clip:

Well, that turned out to be a totally unexpected, but wholly enjoyable game. Well done!

I didn’t run into any bugs, hiccups or other snags. Kudos to all involved and thanks for making this awesome game.

Included this in my 3 random horror game video!

For being what seems like your first game, this was not bad! Could see major improvement from down the road but as it stands it worked fine and no major issues occurred. Made a video on it.

Nice, memang simple tapi barangnya tembus.Mungkin bisa lebih baik lagi kedepannya. Badutnya lumayan lah.

Good job on some of the game mostly the graphics you should fix the doorknob place meant, and the carpet place meant also make the cabin bigger.  

This was a weird but fun game. Keep up the good work 

Very proud to see this game being played by many - good job friend! I really liked this. 

There are some things I would've changed and this definitely can use an update, but overall, I was pleased by the experience - make more! 

Best of luck with the future projects!

Nice game icysolar :)


my thoughts are at the end of the video n.n thank you once again for reach out too me! looking forward to see what you make in the future!

(1 edit)

Pase un rato bueno con el juego.
En mi humilde opinion tiene muchos fallos entre ellos los monstruos se ven a través de la pared el efecto vhs no existe como en las capturas del juego y eso le hubiese dado un toque mas terrorifico los propios monstruos parecen carteles de carton y le faltan efectos de sonido.

En resumen el juego es un pelin cutre aunque me dio algun pequeño susto y eso me gusto. Dejo mi Gameplay español

Nice very weird game but in good way and why is the door handle floating in the air and looks like it's in the wrong place because it seems to meanyway well done keep it up!

hi ,, do u want to make a collab ??